My Genie…..

It was just when I realised, that I was too old to play in the park

It was just when I realised, that I was too old to cuddle with my parents

It was just then I realised, that the world around me has changed……

With no more afternoon naps,

With no more after school cricket matches,

With no more summer time with grandparents,

It was just then I realised, that the world around me has changed….

People say,

Life will be merry once you grow up,

You can have beer and throw up,

No one’s gonna scold you,

No one’s gonna tell you, shut up the TV and do your homework.

You will have a new life , new world and new work

I wish I could have realised, that the world around me will change….

Accepted the change and moved on…

College happened and so did new friends,

Thought some good came through the new trends,

But then like all good things, it had to end,

But life still moved on…

and It was just then I realised that the world around me has changed… again

If I could just go back to Aladdin and ask him for his magic lamp,

In  my first wish I would ask…

O genie , O genie…

Return me back  my golden times,

Not just for the sake of rhyming lines,

But for the sake of my good old times,

And Change the world around me just one more time…

In the second wish I would ask….

Go genie Go…

I wish you have a childhood like my own,

When you have it, you’ll know the reason of this tone,

And the thousand years of  lifetime that you own,

Would pass within days sitting on a throne…..

Go genie go…. Change the world around you..

For the third wish..

I have nothing more to ask,

I have no other demands, no more regret..

For I have all one can desire,

The treasures to last a lifetime and a lifetime worth a treasure ,

And a common sense a bit low,

For it’s too late to realise that the genie has already packed his bags, and is on the go…

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