5 Months…

It has been 5 months, since everything has changed and everything stands still. It has been 5 months since my last peaceful sleep, since i have stopped seeing sunshine and colours. Birds have stopped chirping and suddenly everything has become lifeless.

It has been 5 months since my scientific rationalisations have been replaced by faith. I have been spending more time praying in that small little chapel where I usually spend my nights crying and hiding from everyone. It has been 5 months since my last status update and an update on my life. In these 5 months, if anything I am more scared than ever, about my worst fears and the possibility of their coming true if someone wakes me up at night. I have died every night and woke up in the morning to live for the past 5 months.

It has been 5 months, since I have achieved a new level of desperateness in asking the doctors for any hope, any faith, any new religion to practice.
It has been 5 months, since I have been sitting on that rusty brown iron chair by the corner outside the I.C.U. waiting for you to wake up.

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